Available at the Etobicoke location
Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been used to treat all sorts of pain for hundreds of years by inserting tiny, sterilized needles in specific pressure points to produce a brain reaction that releases natural painkillers and neurotransmitters. This relaxes you and creates a unique sensation of relief.
Some of the benefits from receiving this service include:
- improving your immune system
- relief from digestive conditions
- anxiety and depression
- allergy relief
- enhancing mental clarity
- energy and reducing stress
This treatment can also relieve or control pain in your neck, back, elbows, shoulders, hips, and knees while also helping to alleviate any common neurological diseases such as headaches or migraines.
15 min Add-On (with-in a treatment) | $40 | |
30 min Add-On (with-in a treatment) | $60 | |
30 min Stand Alone | $95 | |
45 min Stand Alone | $115 | |
60 min Stand Alone | $135 | |
75 min Stand Alone | $155 | |
90 min Stand Alone | $175 |